Showing posts with label Syriza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syriza. Show all posts
Mick Hall welcome's the outcome of the recent Greek election. Mick Hall is a Marxist blogger @ Organized Rage.

Syriza's victory in Greece is to be welcomed, and there are lessons for the British left to learn from it.

Syriza's Victory In Greece Is To Be Welcomed ...

Mick Hall, writing prior to the Greek referendum, called for solidarity with the austerity battered people of the country. Mick Hall is a Marxist blogger @ Organized Rage.
  • Solidarity With Syriza And Greek People: Behind the face of EU solidarity there is nothing more than bullying, arm twisting and blackmail.

Solidarity With Syriza And Greek People

Mick Hall argues that by electing Syriza the Greek people have grasped the neo liberal nettle by the throat and taken a punt on a future of hope and progress. Mick Hall is a veteran Marxist activist and trade unionist who blogs at Organized Rage.

  • By electing Syriza the Greek people have grasped the neo liberal nettle by the throat and taken a punt on a future of hope and progress.

Syriza: Greeks Grasp Nettle