Showing posts with label Paul Bowman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Bowman. Show all posts
Paul Bowman speaks out against racism and neoliberalism within some sections of the British trade union movement. 

This is not a great article, by any means. 

Re-industrialisation is not a smart strategy for dealing with the problems of post-industrial era capitalism (not to mention the climate crisis) and I'm not a fan of left-centrist outfits like the IPPR.

But buried in here is an important insight - to reduce workers' power to the laws of supply and demand in the labour market, is perhaps understandable on the part of the Tories. That's their central ideology, after all. But the same position on the part of Len McCluskey, the tankies and all their fellow-travellers, and to accept, even for a moment, that this is "left" or "socialist" in some way, is disastrous. 

McCluskey & Co's immigrant-bashing is not just racist (which it is) but it is above all neoliberal. The idea that the only chance for working class people to raise their share of the social product and defeat the "iron law of wages" was by restricting their population, goes back to the early years of the 19th century, Frances Place and all that. 

But apart from the longevity of this particular malignant fallacy, it's main danger is the idea of "supply side economics" in restricting labour supply being the only road to workers power is fatal. 

You can't build socialism with a Tory ideology.

Immigrant-Bashing Is Not Just Racist