Showing posts with label Jack Dunn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack Dunn. Show all posts
Warren Buffet's comment on the relationship between sea level and visible nudity is an apt one for Boston College. Now that the tide of deceit has gone out the College narrative in respect of the Belfast Project stands pretty much naked: one high, dry lie which College spokesman Jack Dunn tries vainly to breathe life into. Putting a smile on the face of a corpse is pretty much what Jack does these days for a living. Hardly something that would encourage the average punter to have faith in his friendship.

For all of its conflict resolution posturing over the years  Boston College today stands knowing, although hardly admitting, that its irresponsible handling of the Belfast Project from its inception, as outlined in the Chronicle for Higher Education, has fueled the type of controversy that conflict feeds on. Much of the brouhaha bubbling around Haass, for example, draws on the type of knowledge that BC falsely promised it could keep safe from the type of people who want to use it for purposes of conflictual recrimination rather than peaceful reconciliation.

Brandishing the arrogance seemingly afforded by wealth, college staff attired in their sable fur coats were able to block out the cold house political temperature of the North. It was probably on the basis of such aggressive indifference that they felt they could risk hoaxing their way through legal protocol and set up the Belfast Project. A we are Big Boston and nobody in begging bowl Belfast will dare challenge us' type thing.’ And if they do we will mobilize our law faculty, which was monumentally ignorant of the existence of MLAT, to deal with them. Bravo Big Boston.

Dunn and Dusted

Last week’s in-depth report in the Chronicle for Higher Education by Beth McMurtrie has finally nailed Boston College for its wholly irresponsible approach to the Belfast Project. Its criminal negligence, while concealed during the life of the project, has been exposed as present from the embryonic stages of the exercise.

Since the onset of the subpoenas, Boston College, rather than fully commit to the battle on behalf of its research, sought to shaft both its researchers and research participants, through lies, 'obvious and dangerous lies'. 

Jack in Dunn's Corner