Protest In Defence Of Mental Health & Learning
Disability Services - Thursday 3rd December, 5pm @ Belfast City Hall
The Belfast Health Trust is currently undertaking a consultation on how mental health and learning services are provided in the community. Shamefully, If allowed this will see the:
• Closure of the three cross-community day centres Everton in North Belfast, Whiterock in West Belfast and Ravenhall in East Belfast.
• Slashing essential mental health and learning disability services to over 200 service users and carers.
• Wholesale transfer of these services to the private sector, where the priority is for profit.
This will see very vulnerable people from all sections of our community, some with severe mental health and learning disabilities, left with a poorer service or no service at all.
Branch 730 as part of NIPSA's Public Services Defence Campaign has initiated a campaign with services users, carers and local Unison and Unite Branches in defence of these services from across all communities.
We can stop this attack on the most vulnerable in our society and defend our health service if we stand together. We are now calling on our members along with all groups and supporters to stand together and join with us in defence of our day centres and build a real public opposition to cuts in our mental health and learning disability services.
Join us to demand the Health Minister to:
• Halt this consultation and all referrals to the private sector.
• Commence a real review into mental health and learning disability services.
• A review that ensures no cuts or privatisation to mental health and learning disability services in our publicly-owned and accountable NHS.
• A review that prioritises real financial investment into day centre services to ensure the needs of the service users, carers and staff are met.
This is what republicans could prove more effective in defending with their energy rather than see it go down the plughole in pursuit of the impossibilist notion of "The Republic".