Op-Ed: The Palestinian Conflict

An op-ed piece Peadar O'Maoileoin that featured in Lawson >> Mulvihill on 24 July 2014 and is reproduced by TPQ with the author's permission. 

For those interested, here’s a little history lesson regarding the Palestinian conflict. Zionists think Palestine is their promised land because their religion says so. Hamas think it’s their promised land because their religion says so. Both are idiots, hell bent on genocide.
Lets go back in time for a second.

The Palestinians Arabs have been there since the Roman Empire, which is a fairly long time. Zionism emerged in the late 1880s – Theodor Herzl founded it. Eretz Israel, the name for Palestine in the Jewish religion, had been revered throughout the centuries by generations of Jews as a place for holy pilgrimage, never as a future secular state. Jewish tradition and religion clearly instruct Jews to await the coming of the promised Messiah ‘at the end of times’ before they can return to Eretz Israel as a sovereign people in a Jewish theocracy.

As they saw it, Palestine was occupied by ‘strangers’ (aka not Jewish), despite the fact that the Palestinians were there since the Roman times. Zionists first arrived in 1882. Until the occupation of Palestine by Britain in 1918, Zionism was a blend of nationalist ideology and colonialist practice. Zionists made up no more than 5% of the country’s overall population at the time.

The religious people in the west regarded the return of Jews to Palestine as a chapter in the divine scheme, precipitating the second coming of Jesus. This religious zeal inspired Lloyd George, who was the British prime minister at the time, to act with greater commitment for the success of Zionism. Lloyd had a great disdain for Arabs, and he called Palestinians “Mohammedans”.

The more precise strategies of how to best take over Palestine as a whole and create a nation-state in the country, or in part of it, were a later development closely associated with British ideas of how best to solve the conflict Britain itself had done so much to exacerbate.

British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour gave the Zionist movement his promise in 1917 to establish a national home for the Jews in Palestine, he opened the door to the endless conflict that would soon engulf the country.

Arthur Balfour

By the end of the 1920s, the British made an attempt to solve the conflict. Until then the British had treated Palestine as a state within the British sphere of influence, not as a colony. They tried to put in place a political structure that would represent both communities on equal footing in the state’s parliament as well as government. The Palestinians made up the majority of between eighty and ninety percent of the total population, so they refused the British suggestion of parity. However, shortly after this they offered to accept it as a basis for negotiations but by this time the Zionist leaders rejected it. The Palestinian uprising in 1929 was a direct result of Britains refusal to implement at least their promise of parity after the Palestinians had been willing to set aside the democratic principal of majoritarian politics, which Britain had championed as the basis for negotiations in all the other Arab states within the sphere of influence.

After the 1929 uprising the Labour government in London appeared inclined to embrace the Palestinian demands, but the Zionist lobby succeeded in reorientating the British government back on the Balfourian track.

Another uprising took place in 1936. This forced the British to place more troops in Palestine. The Palestinian leadership was exiled at this time.

Between these two uprisings the Zionist leadership wasted no time in working out their plans for an exclusively Jewish presence in Palestine. In 1937 they then accepted a modest portion of land, and then in 1942 they demanded all of Palestine for themselves. They announced that the Zionist project could only be realised through the creation of Palestine as a purely Jewish state.

The British allowed the Zionist movement to carve out an independent enclave for itself in Palestine in the late 1930s. It was one British officer Orde Charles Wingate who made Zionist leaders realise Jewish statehood had to be closely associated with militarism and an army to protect Jewish enclaves and colonies, but alsobecause of acts of armed aggression were an effective deterrent against the possible resistance of the local Palestinians.

Wingate had a very religious upbringing and he quickly became enchanted with the Zionist dream. He transformed paramilitary organisation of the Hagana (it means defense in Hebrew). Under Wingate, the Hagana quickly became the military arm of the Jewish Agency.

The Arab revolt gave the Hagana members a chance to practise the military tactics Wingate had taught. The main objective was to intimidate Palestinian communities who were in close proximity of Jewish settlements. The Hagana unit and a British company jointly attacked a village on the border between Israel and Lebanon and held it for a few hours.

The Hagana also gained valuable military experience in the second world war when they volunteered for the British war effort. Others stayed behind to infiltrate the 1200 Palestinian villages that had dotted the countryside for hundreds of years.

In 1948, 800,000 Palestinians were uprooted and 531 villages destroyed. None of those would have happened if it wasn’t for British influence. The only reason Hamas exist, was because there was a need for a Palestinian defense. Hamas help out locally, and what they ask for in return is support for their terrorist organisation. They blackmail people; take the sick to hospital so that you owe them a favour. It’s very mobbish. They definitely need to be removed in order to allow a secular Palestinian country to prevail, but I completely condemn how Israel are going about this. They’re not really going after Hamas, they’re going after Hamas AND the innocent Palestinians who have more right to the land than they do, in my view. But at this point both communities are there now and it has to be shared. Zionism is Jewish religious fanaticism and it is disgusting. Hamas are the same but from an Arab standpoint. This is a religious “war”.

Israel didn’t exist before the genocide in 1948. The land was stolen and wanted exclusively for Jews because some bronze age book. This is sectarian.

Similarly, Hamas want the land exclusively for Arabs because of some bronze age book This is also sectarian.

If you support Israel, then you’re a religious sectarian bigot.
If you support Hamas, then you’re a religious sectarian bigot.

The only moral stance possible here is the support of the Palestinians, to want a secular future for them.

Extract from the Hamas 1988 charter: “strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine” (Article Six). Article Thirty-One of the Charter states:
Under the wing of Islam, it is possible for the followers of the three religions—Islam, Christianity and Judaism—to coexist in peace and quiet with each other.

That demonstrates that their goals are also religious.


  1. Not a bad attempt at an analysis. But it seems a bit confused when it (rightly) asserts that Zionism is nationalist rather than religious, and then asserts that support for Israel makes one a religious bigot.

    Religious people - mostly Christian - may have religious reasons for supporting the state of Israel, but many of us do so for humanitarian reasons. We do not have religious reasons for believing Israel should be in the Land.

    The strict religious Jews hold that the Israeli State is godless, and that they have usurped God's authority in taking the Land before He said to do so.

  2. Wolfsbane Zionism started as a nationalist movement but quickly morphed into a religious one in the early 1900s as detailed in the article.

  3. Wolfesbane,

    I am curious what the humanitarian reasons are and does the humanitarian reason extend to other’s who dwell in the same watering hole?

    “We do not have religious reasons for believing Israel should be in the Land.”By Israel I take it you mean the Jews I am unsure what that means probably as religious logic is lost to my heathen ways.

  4. When the boat is sinking there is no time left to give energy to religious factions. Arab, non Zionist Jews, Muslim, Christian, non believers – all with eyes to see and ears to hear, hearts that beat with righteous anger must unite to resist Zionism. This is actually occurring as I write. Muslims and Christians are helping one another, assisting one another to bury the dead, share shelters etc. To purport secularism is the cure all into the horror of this genocide and slaughter titled war is about as clever as offering a bandaid to a gaping wound...

    The fresh corpses of the babes, children and adults – their blood is crying out for Justice. Christians Muslims and non Zionist G-d believing Jews hear this cry in their spirit not just cognitively - ethically and intellectually responding. Belief in G-d/AllahYahweh/Yeshua within the diverse religions it is so deeply embedded, it literally in and on the ground, in the very land… it will never be eroded There was once longstanding mutual respect between Christianity, Judaism and Islam and some other religious sects… There was recognition of respect for spiritual convictions, some parallels in all major religions (ie) Muslims deeply revere Jesus/Iosa as a prophet and Christians revere him as the Saviour/Messiah.

    That ended completely through occupation 1948 onwds… Everything went totally rotten from 1948.. Zionism orchestrated it to be so,
    Re ‘Zionism was a blend of nationalist ideology and colonialist practice’
    Zionism is as atheist as u get it ideology which cleverly uses/hijacks Judaism identity/cultural icons and so forth coupled with perverse emotiveness pulling up reference to Holocaust repeatedly to keep their true intent behind smoke and mirrors (ie) Romanians thousands of them were tortured their women raped, babies killed alongside Jews.

    I have never heard them use this as an excuse to colonise, bomb, subjugate and make an open air prison for a people not of their culture - then move in for the slaughter The Star of David is another hijacking – stare at it long enough and you may get the gist of what it actually is now intended to mean and why it is used by Zionists…If not research it up. Clue - Moloch.

    It is not hard to see that CIA funded terrorists group are setups and Britain role in it all… snakes… divide/conquer… we all know this shit well… how it rolls… Just like factions within the troubles era resistance groups fall out, touts abound, double speak. We must not cease in protesting and not fear the harassment, the photographs taken of us when we protest and our names being on watchlists. (I am telling this to meself too..) This whole conflict is a one festering with media games, propaganda – I as a Christian would add in spiritual warfare too. We as humanity must resist for every one of the dead and every one of the living ongoing in Gaza… The slaughter is not over…
    WORD: The Green Prince (exHamas) is really The Putrid Prince
    I don’t trust Yousef/Joesph Hassan Yousef. He is the new prop the new voice on the circuit His back is covered by Mossad. Ex Hamas – son of one of the founders. Was working with Israel for years (double agent) To me he being used as an appeal to mainstream amerikkka Christians to be duped into supporting Zionism Check it and hear for yourself. This was released 4 or five days ago. Not a mention of the slaughter… It is almost laughable to read the comments on the video. I too once thought he might be the real deal but he is not brave He is a shill, a tool, and you gotta hand it to Zionism they are sly as foxes/clever. This guy was groomed at a young age by Shin-Bet.
    Mosab Hassan Yousef (Son of Hamas Founder) tells the truth about Hamas.
    I’ve said me piece for what its worth - words is all I can give at this point and joining protests– thank God for Anthony’s blog.

  5. You failed to mention the promise of Britain to give the Jews the Palestinian land if the US was brought into the war..????????

  6. Peter said:
    'Zionism started as a nationalist movement but quickly morphed into a religious one in the early 1900s as detailed in the article.'

    Not sure where you see that. Zionism was and remains mainly secularist. If you mean Britain and the US had/have religious reasons for supporting Zionism, then that too is a misunderstanding. Britain and the US worship money. While some British and many Americans do have religious reasons for supporting Zionism, they are not the elites who run our countries.

    Britain's initial promise of a homeland for the Jews was not based on any spiritual zeal by the government - just tactics to advance Britain's interests at the time. Same sort of promises were made to the Arabs.

    Britain is just as famous for intercepting Jewish refugee ships and sending them back to Europe.

  7. Tain Bo said:

    'I am curious what the humanitarian reasons are and does the humanitarian reason extend to other’s who dwell in the same watering hole?'

    The need of an exiled and persecuted nation for their own homeland.

    And Yes, that embraces the needs of the Palestinians as well. A Two State solution seems to me the only possible just outcome.

    'By Israel I take it you mean the Jews'


    'I am unsure what that means probably as religious logic is lost to my heathen ways.'

    The terminology can be confusing, as the term 'Israel' has more than one meaning. The Jews are the people of the historic nation of Israel. In that sense Israel = Jews.

    But the modern STATE of Israel includes more than the nation of Israel. Israel does not equate to the State of Israel, even though at times 'nation of Israel' is used of the modern State.

  8. Mary said:

    'This whole conflict is a one festering with media games, propaganda – I as a Christian would add in spiritual warfare too. We as humanity must resist for every one of the dead and every one of the living ongoing in Gaza… The slaughter is not over… '

    I agree that there is a lot of evil at work in the Israel/Palestine conflict. But we can't just look at the latest victims, be they Israelis or Palestinians, and decide their side must be the right. We need to step back from the cycles of violence and reprisal and get to the origins of the conflict and see if we can identify the right and wrong there. Then we need to see what can be done now to make things right - which may not be the same solution as it was at the start of the conflict.

    Seems to me it boils down to this: Do the Jewish people have a need for their own homeland? If Yes, then we must ask what can be done to fairly share it out with the present inhabitants, the Palestinians. They have been there from shortly after the Jews were exiled from the Land.

    Again, it seems to me it was the failure to agree a division of the land that has led to generations of conflict. And the conflict has been exacerbated by greedy Zionists who want ALL the land, as much as by those Palestinians who want Israel wiped out.

    We need to speak clearly on how we see it. If we say Israel should not exist as a State, then we ought to campaign for the end of the Jewish State and the return to exile of its people.

    If we support the Jews in their desire for their own state, then we ought to speak up for a fair Two State solution.

  9. Wolfesbane,

    thanks for the clarification I honestly just wasn’t sure and although I lost my way I know that there is good that comes from religion and evil but the good doesn’t make for good headlines and is always overshadowed.

    Two states sound reasonable if it guarantees an end to the needless slaughter and gives the Palestinians independence and all the rights that come with being a nation.

    It’s good to read you are still knocking about all the best.

  10. Tain Bo

    Thank you, my friend. Every Blessing on you too.

  11. Thanks Wolfesbane,

    Very much appreciated given the dark cloud of the war in Gaza and the depressing sadness it brings.
    I hope those that hold faith have their prayers for peace answered.

    Again, all the best and even though I am one of the lost sheep, blessing to you and yours.
