Nigger (the word): a brief history!

Mick Hall with a piece examining the history of the word 'nigger.' It featured in Organized Rage on 19 June 2o14.

Only a moron or a deceitful exploiter would be against health and safety, human rights and what the looney right called political correctness.

To set the piece below in context I wrote it after reading comments left on a blog I regularly visit. This site is far from reactionary and most of the regular commentators are sound, but I hit my keyboard when one left a comment:

"Why can't you say 'nigger anymore?"

Nigger (the word) a brief history!

The word, nigger, carries with it much of the hatred and disgust directed toward Black Africans and African Americans. Historically, nigger defined, limited, made fun of, and ridiculed all Blacks.

It was a term of exclusion, a verbal reason for discrimination. Whether used as a noun, verb, or adjective, it strengthened the stereotype of the lazy, stupid, dirty, worthless nobody. No other word carries as much purposeful cruelty.
One in a series of posters attacking Radical R...
One in a series of posters attacking black suffrage. Stigmatising people has been around along time

 No matter what its origins, by the early 1800s, it was firmly established as a derogative name. In the 21st century, it remains a principal term of hate, white racism and supremacy, regardless of who is using it.

Today to use this word is racist and those who use it are either racist or are being deliberately provocative, which in many ways is far worse. For millionaire rappers or anyone else to attempt to bring this word back into use, just shows how far in hoch they are to the man in the big house and how little the sacrifices made by previous generations of black activists means to them. It's the language of the exploiter and no matter how much wealth a black entertainer might have, or claims of fooling around, it can never make it not so.

I well remember when I was first called a kike, I had absolutely no understanding of what it meant, but I instinctively knew the boy who said it was putting me down, and when I went home from school and asked my mother I knew it for sure. Although even then I just could not put my finger on why the boy would have used it. After all, I thought he was my mate. I now know he used it because he thought it was the right thing to do, socially acceptable, he'd heard his parents using such language so it must be OK and so the cancer grows.

Words like Paki, nigger, kike, spic, raghead, hedge-moper, wetback, etc, are derogatory terms used by past and present oppressors to insult us and encourage us to differentiate ourselves from each other, leaving them alone to exploit us at will.

In the early 1990s, the term political correctness was adopted by US conservatives and neo liberals as a pejorative term to attack those who were attempting to introduce new terms that sought to leave behind discriminatory labels which still played a part in the exploitation of sections of society, whether they were black, disabled, gay, whatever. They also saw it as a useful tool to win over people who fear change.

Thus billionaires like the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch were to the fore in this campaign whether by donating large sums of money or in the case of Murdoch allowing his media outlets to publicize this part of their reactionary strategy.

Fortunately times had changed and the reactionary right failed to gain traction with this campaign, so they attempted to turn what they call political correctness into a joke. Most folk ignored their crap believing it was time to move on and recognising the use of derogatory terms like nigger, Kike, wetback, queer, etc, was not the type of world they wish to live in let alone bring their children up in. Thus today they no longer use these discriminatory terms because they have concluded using them is plain wrong.

However reaction never sleeps and after the 2008 banking crisis they saw an opportunity to shift the blame off their own shoulders where it undoubtedly belonged, onto those of some of the most marginalised and powerless people in the land, the underclass, immigrants, asylum seekers, the sick and disabled, drug addicts, and the unemployed, not one of whom played any part in creating the recession.

Health and Safety
It never ceases to amazes me when otherwise ordinary decent people, blame the worlds ills on political correctness, health and safety, human rights legislation and that old chestnut multiculturalism.

Why when surly with a smidgen of thought it is pretty obvious to even the most hard headed fool that health and safety has been one of the most beneficial pieces of legislation ever to be placed on the statute book. By passing it into law the State became responsible for ensuring employers had to provide their workers with a safe working environment. How is that so terrible? Maybe some fool bureaucrat might overstep the mark now and again, but before you condemn health and safety take a look at the working conditions in countries which have few if any health and safety laws.

Only last year a Garment factory collapses in Dhaka, killing more than 1,000 workers because it was constructed with substandard materials and the employers locked fire exit doors. When I first left school and worked in a board mill I noticed some of the older workers had been placed on light duties because they had lost limbs in industrial accidents, before adequate health and safety laws were introduced. When there was no real onus on the employer to provide shields on guillotines, or make safe the entrances to the pulp beaters which made them deadly. Men who had accidentally fallen into these beaters literally disappeared from the face of the earth. Only last month in the Turkish coal mining disaster we saw what happens when employers and government collude in ignoring health and safety.

When the rich encourage folk to rail against health and safety it is like all they do, for their benefit alone. They want the right to exploit at will and health and safety legislation helps stop them doing that.

In the public sphere they have campaigned against the wearing of seat belts, stopping smoking in public places, and countless other laws which have made our lives better. Where they still exist, ask any workplace health and safety rep and they will tell you employers are perpetually looking for ways to cut corners. Legislation and ever vigilance is the only way to ensure workers return home safe to their families after a days work.

Human Rights

Human rights legislation does not always protect us from government abuse, especially if the government in question is the UK or USA. The latter as far as I am aware has not even affiliated to the court in the Hague. The European Court of Human Rights, which incidentally is independent  of the EU, while far from perfect it does give victims an avenue in which they can pursue their case when all else has failed.

If for example the UK withdraws from the ECHR, would that make the human rights of British citizens any more secure? Given the British governments centuries of abusing peoples human rights at home and abroad I doubt it very much. When a government with that type of track record calls for withdrawal it's our own human rights they have in their gunsight. We ignore this at our own peril.

Reactions main bullet points

One only has to see the forces of reactions current wish list to understand who is behind this drive to remove these laws.

In the UK it is the Tory Party, Orange Book Lib-Dems like Nick Clegg, UKiP and the Blairites, in other words the political representatives of the ruling classes. Amongst their main bullet points are:
  • The scrapping of working time regulations and, all data protection laws. (Remind me how long did workers struggle for a 40 hour week and an 8 hour day?)
  • Less regulation of the financial services industry - including deregulation of the mortgage industry. (It's as if the Banking crash of 2008 never occurred)
  • Less Health & Safety 'burdens' on care homes in order to increase the number of places for elderly and disabled people. (Note how they use language; they are doing this to benefit the old folk, H@S which protects people becomes a 'burden,' there they have said it, but a burden on who? Money grabby greedy exploiters? They claim if it is abolished they will increase the number of places for your dear old mum. No mention people will be squeezed in six to a room, etc in the interest of ever more profit.) 
  • Easing of regulations that govern how firms make employees redundant. (This one is a peach, if the working time regulations are abolished they can make workers redundant by increasing the hours of those who are left and as an added bonus the sacked workers can go whistle)
  • Britain should opt out of the EU directive on food supplements. (At a time when more and more of us distrust the food we eat, they wish to stop the consumers making an informed choice, who benefits is always the question to ask).

If implemented in full this deregulation package would, 'it's claimed,' save British business approximately £14bn and who would pick up the tab? Wages and working conditions would be decimated; and we think they are bad enough now?

Finally we get to that old stalking horse multiculturalism, which when you take away the academic froth is simply a reflection of the world we live in. In case someone has missed it, the worlds population is multicultural and multiracial, always has been. The difference today is the masses ability to travel at low cost across continents and oceans. The only way you will stop immigration is to have closed borders or raise the living standards in the third world to comparable levels. We in the west demand the right to travel wherever we wish but when others take the same path many of us express shock and horror.

We cannot have it both ways. If we are to debate this subject we need to do it as civilised people, and not allow the ruling class to set our agenda, understand why people leave their homes for pastures new, dump our prejudices and dopey beliefs that folk come to our homeland to sign on. One minute we are claiming they are stealing our welfare benefits and abusing our health-care system, and the next we claim they are stealing our jobs. Either they are too lazy or ill to work or they are taking our jobs.  

We cannot have it both ways so what is it? If it is the latter we need laws to stop such exploitation because the employers are clearly underpaying them. Alongside this we need to ensure all workers apply for jobs on a level playing field. Mass immigration into western Europe was used as a tool by the neoliberal political creatures of capital to to drive workers wages down. Lets blame them, not men and women whose only crime is trying to make a better life for them and there's.

As an American President once said:
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is ... fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.


  1. There is good in bad in all people let alone races. Blacks call each other nigger all the time. Telling a white man not to is racism too, discrimination, is it not? Never heard of kike, what is that? I'd be more interested in social betterment for third world nations than getting upset about a bit of name calling or calling things as we see it.

  2. Mick, this is utter hogwash. Each and every point you have made is only threatened because of actions of the rabid left stretching their meaning to something not reasonably intended. People scepticism takes a holiday when discussing immigration these days,look, every rich / upper class/business owner/property owner is in favour of immigration. Governments facilitiate it on a massive scale and champion it where it matters, in legal terms (whilst posturing differently) . Why do you think that is? Immigrants create +GDP points, whilst driving down inflation, so businesses/rich win two ways cause they also need somewhere to live. They definitely arent a drain on the public purse, but they do drive down wages for the rest of us, its simple economics of supply/demand. So a more honest article would say yes we don't want to be racist , we will welcome the immigrants, and yes we are willing to take less pay and higher rents to welcome them too. Its not the politics of division either, you just seem think the ‘rich’ which you usually hate, are being unusually benevolent on this wonderful cultural enrichment they are facilitating.


  3. To set the piece below in context I wrote it after reading comments left on a blog I regularly visit. This site is far from reactionary and most of the regular commentators are sound, but I hit my keyboard when one left a comment:

    "Why can't you say nigger anymore?"

    That's how I said it Mick. And I had an idea it would make one or two people go "WTF". Like you, I'm keeping things in context..

    If you can give me a better word or words to use in the song Olivers Army then tell me and I'll use it... At the minute.. Only takes one itchy trigger, One more widow, one less white nigger Sounds better and roll of the tongue easier than'Only takes one itchy trigger, One more widow, one less white Irish cunt' .. What about 'One less white Irish taig' is that more PC.. or you could even try.. 'One less white fucking Mick', Mick???

    Exactly the same in the song Bourgeois Blues I put up on the same article you talked about.. What am I meant to do Mick.. Do a BBC PC and bleep the words out or re work the song and instead of..

    Well, me and my wife we were standing upstairs
    We heard the white man say "I don't want no niggers up there"

    Go 2014 PC for people ears...

    Well, me and my wife we were standing upstairs
    We heard the white man say "I don't want no ethnic minorities up there"

    I'm still at a loss what health and safety has to do with using the word nigger to best describe how certain sections of British people thought about Irish people or how blacks got treated in the USA...

  4. theres loads of white niggers in saordonia.

  5. frankie, I tried to warn you about this. Context isn't important to those who seek power at the denigration of other (ironically like real racists do). The left toss the word 'racist' around with the glee and rapidity of a chimp being taught how to masturbate.

  6. PC stuff is all 'controlfreakery'. Same agenda as the 'tout' word in political circles in my book. A form of political hen pecking designed to neutralise the mind.

  7. Larry

    The word Kike is much the same as nigger only it is referring to Jews. Not that Jewish people do not have their own abusive term for Black people, it's schvartze.


    Of course Capitalists like immigration for the reasons you give, but that does not mean we have to ape their opportunistic prejudices now does it.

    Capital has always exploited pay levels by using one section of workers against another, our task is surely to say this is wrong, and the only way we can defend wage levels is to come together. This was seen recently when the cleaners in Government offices in London fought for a living wage.

    It is not easy these days for sure but unlike previous generations today's have an example to call on.

    I remember when Irish construction workers were used in the post war years to undercut wage levels here. In my section of the industry we organised together via our unions to do away with the lump etc and unionise the larger sites. It worked well until that woman gained power.

    True Capital never sleeps and much of this work must be done again but I am dam sure it will be.

    Once newcomers are here we should welcome them, not because we are daft and are willing to take less pay, but because between us we might eventually gain a fair days pay for a fair days work.

    What goes around comes around, I have a friend and every time these bastards do something despicable, she says great bring it on, people will only put up with so much shit....

    I blogged a piece about the Tories/UKiP's war on the working time directive. Plus my take on the enlargement of EU, etc this week, which explains my position on this.

    If a minority of Black people wish to use the word nigger that is for them, but I believing they are shitting on their own history and traditions.

    I feel Capital saw the first generation of black rappers coming, they showered some of them in cash and trinkets and sadly they acted as the man expected them to.

    To put it bluntly they became an advocate for capitalism at its worst. young people looked at them and thought if you have lots of cash you spend it on expensive tat, become foul mouthed and move out of the neighbourhood while calling every second person nigger.

    OK I exaggerate, but it was a wasted opportunity, in many ways they were the rolling stones of their age, if they were English they would be begging for Betsy's baubles

    As to Elvis Costello the only music of his I like was the tune to the advert I'm a Secret Lemonade Drinker. Although maybe his dad had the bigger hand in writing this;)

    By the way when the Beeb bleeps out a word they are not being politically correct there usually being politically prejudiced and not a little cowardly.

    Best regards to all


  8. When Izydor Epstein from Poland applied for an American driver's license he was asked to read the eye chart. The clerk pointed to the first line with the letters “P O W Z Y N S K E Y.”

    “Now sir,” said the clerk. "Can you read this?"

    "Read it?" replied Izydor, "the man used to be my next-door neighbor!”

  9. Organised Rage

    Google states it was a derogatory reference to illiterate Jews arriving at Ellis Island refusing to use the 'X' to sign forms as it denoted the Christian Cross to them. (PREJUDICE?)

    Seems like everyone is entitled to be racist, sectarian and prejudiced apart from whitey. Talking of which I must go coz this wee whitey has to have his Oriental Dream's dinner ready before 5pm kick-off. Pick the bones out of that!!!

  10. It was a well written piece, Mick, and well argued.

    It reminded me of Richard Pryor explaining why he stopped using the n-word after seeing all the black pilots, judges, chief of police, well in fact black people in every position in society in an African country he visited. It struck him hard that black people aren't n#@£+*s. So he stopped using the word.

    And you're right- the Irish diaspora is immeasurable and reaches every corner of the world. That takes away from our anti-immigration arguments as practically everyone in Ireland has been or has a friend or a relative who is overseas. Migration works both ways.

    Personally, I wouldn't stop economic migration but I would try to ensure less developed countries don't lose people with essential skills.

    As for refugees I would welcome more here as people who satisfy refugee status criteria are in fear of death and/or persecution and civilians shouldn't have to stay in the own countries facing these things if they don't want to.

    Immigrants aren't the cause of our economic woes, the governments and powerful multinationals in a poorly regulated laissez faire global capitalist market synonymous with greed, money and gain rather than philanthropy, progression and care for resources are to blame. And again Mick is right they are doing it again. Boom will follow bust and vice versa but the rich will be affected the least.

  11. Mick, what you strive for is noble, and your reply is more generous than my opening line (apologies). But its a ‘fairies on a pin head’ discussion, when the number one drain on wages, the prime factor that facilitates this transfer of wealth is actually supported by the left.This is almost conspiratorial/1984 territory! I read Bob Crow also advocated EU withdrawal, I suspect it was for the same reason. I long for the day the debate is less toxic, and disentangled from the race issue (cause I know I at present I read like a right wing bigot), that day will be the first day towards the financial emancipation of the people you puport to help.

  12. Mick,

    I'm still having problems in understanding the link between exposing racism through music and right wing capitalists-the looney rich left.

  13. Mick here this humour may be a bit racist or black for you to find funny. But Sammy Davis found it side splitting (did I mention Sammy is Black)
