Chris Bray: The Heights of Credulity

The foundation of a successful career in mainstream journalism is the ability to assess a puddle of baffling horseshit and type it up as fact. A key to this performance is the choice of verbs: officials "explain" and "reveal," critics and dissidents "claim" and "allege." So there's some good news for Boston College: your student journalists are learning well, and will be eligible for post-collegiate employment in their field.

A Sunday story on the website of The Heights, the BC student newspaper, reports that the university has sent a warning to its students "studying abroad in Ireland and England," particularly in "sensitive areas such as Belfast." Not sure if they're putting Belfast in Ireland or England, there, but if they mean to place it in Ireland, let's take it as a political statement and suggest that Sinn Fein send them a thank you note. Our president thinks Tehran hosts an "English Embassy," so let's be kind on this point.


  1. I dont think anyone would be venting their anger at students from BC here, but I bet those two gits Hachey and O Neill wouldnt like them to hear just what a spineless bunch of wasters are running BC.

  2. What an absolute joke. I'd like to think that any BC student travelling here would have half a wit to engage people in discussion about the Belfast Project - then they might understand just how low the college has sunk.

    Stupid, ridiculous scaremongering. Is there nothing BC won't stoop to?

  3. Anthony, that doesn't sound promising.

  4. Sheesh Anthony, I'm not even going to ask you what else is coming...I'll just tell you that you have a lot of friends rooting for you. I'll bet Brendan's ashes are twirling like a tornado!

  5. Lucille,

    in terms of the nonsense BC is spewing. Chris Bray has been calling them out relentlessly and one response by Dunn in particular is well worth the reading.
