Au contraire

Cartoon by Brian Mór
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  1. How many on the Quill hopes that the chute does not open

    Gerry Adams- free-falling to freedom

  2. See what I mean about the teeth!

  3. Michaelhenry

    we are not that bad hearted. If it didn't open somebody innocent on the ground could be killed or harmed!

  4. Worse, still Mackers he could actually land on one of us.

  5. Looking out at a very sharp steeple at the side of the monastery and thinking, 'if only'.
    Problem is, he would be up there for days, weeks even as it is only visual from certain homes.

  6. Nuala,

    and then the search would be one for this massive alien bird that crapped from on high and killed somebody.

  7. Fionnuala-

    Gerry is flying the colour's of freedom-

    He has a Green Sinn Fein crash helmet on

    He is showing us Marty's favourite
    White teeth

    He as a orange jump-suit on

  8. Aye Mickeyboy and a face like a well smacked ass ,someday mo cara someday!

  9. I cant for the love of me see a rip cord,and Brian is always meticulous with the detail,wishfull thinking maybe, I think the jumpsuit makes him look like the shit he really is

  10. michaelhenry,
    he looks more like a giant orange stool pigeon, notice orange is the predominant color.

  11. He doesn't have a parachute, probably not necesssary if your full of hot air!

  12. Mickeyboy said to me he is a vision clarity technician,I said Mickeyboy "your a f##kin window cleaner,if you could have spelt vision clarity technician when you were at school you might have done something with your life and had a career like a domestic refuse relocation engineer......I felt sorry for the hypnotist I saw the other night.he hypnotised 7 blokes then tripped over his microphone cable and yelled "fuck me".......what happened next will haunt me forever....the Japanese have joined a team from norn iorn to develop a new F1 racing car they are going to call it ..The Red Honda a few herbs in my eye making dinner the other night now I,m parsley sighted.the wifes in hospital she ate a daffodil bulb thinking it was garlic not to worry she,l be out in the spring..lady posts an add in the paper ....looking for a man who wont beat me or run away and who is great in bed, next day her doorbell rang,and there was this guy he says "hi I,m bob I,ve no arms so I cant beat you,and I,ve no legs so I wont run away."the lady says "what makes you think that your great in bed?" Bob replies "how do you think I rang the f##king doorbell?"

  13. Marty,
    Maybe he's had his gnashers polished up for his new electorate. They'd have been badly stained from all the shite he's been talking over the years

  14. The seagull doesn't appear too Sinn Fein friendly, it's looking at him with a degree of menace.

  15. Bob doh brains bought a chainsaw,two weeks later he brought it back to the shop and he tells the assistant"doh when I bought this you told me it would cut down 50 trees an hour,I,ve only managed 2 trees an hour doh" the assistant says"let me see and starts it up BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Bob jumps back in suprise"what the f##k is that noise doh?"
